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Who are we?

Curl Curl Lagoon Friends is a community-based environmental organisation established in 1980 by residents of the Sydney northern beachside suburb of Curl Curl.


Our members mainly comprise residents living around Greendale Creek and Curl Curl Lagoon, a waterway and park of 35 Ha which opens to the sea at Curl Curl Beach.


In May 1998 we became a formally incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 of NSW.


Why were we formed?

After WWI land surrounding the Lagoon and adjoining part of Greendale Ck was cleared and drained to support market gardening.  The Creek meandered its way from Harbord Rd through the gardens and remnant native vegetation towards the Lagoon, meeting it closer to Griffin Rd.  Then in 1951 population growth and urban development lead to a fateful decision to commence utilizing the Lagoon and Creek area as a municipal rubbish tip for all kinds of wastes. As the tip filled, Greendale Ck was narrowed and re-channelled directly to enter the Lagoon near the present wooden bridge.


In the mid 1970’s the tip was closed and its surfaces on both banks top dressed and converted to playing fields. However, the environmental and aesthetic values of the area – now named John Fisher Park - had been left severely degraded and the waterway badly polluted.


Local residents concerned about the state in which John Fisher Park and the waterway had been left decided it was time to act to repair the damage and show some respect for their local environment.


The then "Curl Curl Lagoon Committee" held its inaugural meeting on the 15th July 1980 at the North Curl Curl Surf Club.


For more information about our formation and historical highlights please see Our History.



What is our mission?

Our mission is to see the health of the waterway and its natural surrounds rehabilitated, its environmental and aesthetic values protected into the future and for the community to be informed and educated about the state of this natural asset.



What is our management structure?

Our Association is governed by its Constitution and managed by Executive Committee.


At the Association’s Annual General Meeting (October) up to nine members are elected from the floor to form the Executive Committee for the next year. At its first meeting after the AGM the Executive Committee elects office bearers. Executive Committee meetings are scheduled bi-monthly. Questions are decided by a majority of votes with the Chair having a casting vote if necessary.


If appropriate, the Executive Committee may establish a subcommittee including general members and external participants to manage certain issues or projects.  


For full details of the Association’s objectives, membership rules and operating procedures please refer to our Constitution.


What activities do we conduct?

Lagoon clean ups

Curl Curl Lagoon Friends participates as a community organisation in Clean Up Australia’s annual rubbish clean up. For over 20 years we have created and managed clean up events at two locations at Curl Curl Lagoon.  We also participate in clean up events organised for John Fisher Park by Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew and Curl Curl Scouts.


Bush Regeneration

We have since our inception in 1980 worked with CoastCare, Council, Bushlink and the local Regenerates group to remove weeds from and revegitate wetlands surrounding the local waterway.


Environmental projects

We have collaborated with Council and corporately sponsored teams to pilot innovations such as real-time water quality monitoring and the use of molluscs and plants to filter Lagoon water.   


Educating school students

We contribute to the environmental teaching programme at North Curl Curl Primary School.   


General meetings

We conduct an Annual General Meeting in October that is open to the public and is followed by a presentation and refreshments.  


Special events

We host Q&A sessions with the candidates for our local parlimentary and Council elections. 


Advocacy for our local environment

We participate in the normal community review and response process with respect to development applications that may impact the environmental values of the Curl Curl catchment.  


How can I participate?

  • Read our constitution, our history, and look through our projects

  • Attend one of our upcoming events

  • Join the Association

  • Contribute to a subcommittee that is working on a specific project

  • Volunteer to work on a permanent project with one of our associated groups such as The Regenerates who do bush care of the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, or the Bird Count Survey team who work the last Friday of the month

  • Visit John Fisher Park regularly, observe what's going on there and report anything notable to us or Council

  • Speak up in online discussions on our website: give your opinion on issues

  • Provide content such as historical images or stories for our website

  • Offer your suggestions to the Executive Committee

  • Nominate yourself or someone else for the Executive Committee



© Curl Curl Lagoon Friends Inc. (CCLF) 1998 - 2025  All rights reserved


This web site exists to provide information about Curl Curl Lagoon Friends and its activites to its members and the public.  While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this information and its compliance with relevant laws CCLF accepts no liability or responsibility in respect of any error or omission on the site, any use of the site, or any reliance upon any material contained on the site or any linked site.


CCLF has made all reasonable efforts to determine if copyright exists in any material prior to its publication on this website. Where copyright is known to exist the consent of the owner has been obtained and acknowledged.

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