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Curl Curl's Aboriginal history


From reading the history of Curl Curl Lagoon Friends, the overriding motivation for its foundation in 1980 was to demonstrate and cultivate respect for the natural environment.


Inevitably, respect for the natural environment must lead to an appreciation of and respect for the contribution made by the original inhabitants of this country towards the sustainable use and preservation of this same environment we now all share.


While our Association is inspired to play a role in informing and educating the community about the Aboriginal connection to the Northern Beaches of Sydney and the Curl Curl Lagoon catchment in particular, deciding how to approach this task is something of a challenge.


For instance, the fact that in 1998 an agreement (Tripartite Agreement)  between Council, the Brookvale Valley Community Group, and the Metropolitan Aboriginal Land Council was made for the joint management of a 10ha area at the Brickworks site clearly demonstrates that a direct Aboriginal connection to our catchment survives today. What we can hope to do is understand the historical reasons for that connection and to then inform the local community about the connection and its present day value.


Also, any information we provide here about Aboriginal history needs to be consistent with and complement the information being provided by other environmental groups in our area.


For the time being at least we can recommend the following two sources of information on the history of Aboriginal habitation of the Northern Beaches both for their specific content and the wider references they provide.



















Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

by Jessica Currie

Published by Willoughby City Council (2008)

ISBN 9780975199114

© Curl Curl Lagoon Friends Inc. (CCLF) 1998 - 2025  All rights reserved


This web site exists to provide information about Curl Curl Lagoon Friends and its activites to its members and the public.  While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this information and its compliance with relevant laws CCLF accepts no liability or responsibility in respect of any error or omission on the site, any use of the site, or any reliance upon any material contained on the site or any linked site.


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