It was great to see so many familiar faces, as well as plenty of new ones, at our CCLF AGM last Wednesday 16th October. Special welcome to our newly elected Curl Curl Ward councillors Nick Beaugeard, Kristyn Glanville and Joeline Hackman, as well as our Northern Beaches Mayor, Sue Heins.
We loved the atmosphere created by the live band of lively locals and enjoyed spirited engagement with our guest speakers, Jacqui Bell, Jason Ruszczyk, and Pic Andrews. Their presentations on upcoming Council initiatives that will improve and enhance the natural environment, not only in John Fisher Park and Curl Curl Lagoon but areas across the northern beaches, were exciting to hear about.
We're also excited about our program for the year ahead. We will continue to work hard to maintain the balance of active and passive recreation in JFP as sporting groups continue to push hard to increase infrastructure in the park. We will be working closely with Northern Beaches Council on initiatives such as:
- Increasing fish habitat in Curl Curl Lagoon
- The Wildflower Project
- Maintaining and expanding the floating wetlands in Curl Curl Lagoon
- Reviewing and installing new signage in the loop around the lagoon. This project is ready to commence so please let us know if you have knowledge, expertise or interest in contributing to this
- Liaising with local schools to support initiatives that see students develop an understanding of the value and impact we have on our natural environment, particularly in our own backyard at JFP
- Clean Up Australia Day.
We’d love to hear from you if you have ideas about how we can continue to be of value and relevance to you our members and community.
And we’d be especially delighted if anyone would like to join our Executive Committee or to join up if you’re not already a member. It’s a great opportunity to be part of a local group that is committed to working together in a relaxed and friendly way towards protecting and enhancing Curl Curl Lagoon and JFP.
So thank you all once again for coming along to the AGM, it was great to see you all there enjoying good music, interesting conversations and presentations about the wonderful natural area in which we live.
We hope to hear from you all again soon.