A group of seven birders met on the Park Street bridge for the second survey for the year. There were a reasonable number of Chestnut Teal, otherwise small numbers but a nice mix. The star was a LIttle Egret in breeding plumage, seeking food in the weir. It was backlit by the low sun making a lovely sight. Also of special interest, a Dusky Moorhen on a nest on one of the floating wetlands. Over the past six months, numbers have fluctuated wildly, from a low of 26 to a high of 190. There has been good summer rainfall, giving the birds plenty of other feeding sites to choose from.
The count
LIttle Black Cormorant 1
LIttle Pied Cormorant 2
Chestnut Teal 17
Grey teal 2
Pacific Black Duck 4
White-faced Heron 1
Great Egret 1
Little Egret 1
Australian White Ibis 2
Australasian Swamphen 2
Eurasian Coot 10
Dusky Moorhen 11
Total 54

Little Egret in breeding plumage

Dusky Moorhen on nest on floating wetland